Events 18 Feb 2025


private view

6-8pm Yves Dana: Citadelle (Waddington Custot), 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT

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Los Angeles

first day & opening reception

6-10pm David Hammons. Concerto in Black and Blue (Hauser & Wirth), 901 East 3rd Street, CA 90013

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New York

first day & opening reception

5-7pm Fernando Varela and Carmen Herrera: Form and Void (Upsilon Gallery), 23 East 67th Street, NY 10065

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All events in London, Los Angeles & New York

Show of the Day

Inaugural Exhibition @ Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Exmouth Market

the gallery inaugurates its new London space with works by established and emerging artists who are part of its identity and who showcase the innovative practices and thematic diversity that define it


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Alison Jacques announces representation of Emma Amos

Amos was an American artist, educator and activist whose paintings and prints interrogated gender and racial inequity


Gabriel Orozco awarded Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres

the prestigious award celebrates Orozco’s entire career


Perrotin to inaugurate London gallery with an exhibition of works by JR

opening on 14 March, the exhibition will feature more than twenty works at the gallery’s new space in the heart of Mayfair

Exhibitions on Now

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Image for Shifting, at Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour
Image for Andriu Deplazes: Nasse Augen, at Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Rämistrasse Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour
Image for Laura Bergsøe: Tree Tales, at Galerie Maria Wettergren Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour
Image for La Monte Westmoreland: A Survey, 1974 - 2024, at parrasch heijnen

just opened

Image for Ruben Müller: The Place That Cannot Be, at LKIF Gallery

just opened

Image for John Dilg: Perpetual World, at Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21

just opened

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Artists on Show


Abi Morocco Photos Nina Chanel Abney Valerio Adami Lindsay Adams Derrick Adams Etel Adnan Roy Adzak Heather Agyepong Ahn Sang Hoon Marcellina Akpojotor Josef Albers Pierre Alechinsky Terry Allen Darren Almond Lulua Alyahya Pierre-Olivier Arnaud Taher Asad-Bakhtiari Charles Avery


Maja Bajevic Thiago Barbalho Barry X Ball Massimo Bartolini Georg Baselitz Jean-Michel Basquiat Christiane Baumgartner Carmen Belean Jacopo Benassi Laura Bergsøe Tony Berlant Wallace Berman Jean-Baptiste Bernadet Joseph Beuys Tony Bevan Dawoud Bey Huma Bhabha Domenico Bianchi Max Bill BLCKGEEZER Kaye Blegvad Alighiero Boetti Gregg Bordowitz Travis Boyer Joaquín Boz Mark Bradford Andreas Breunig Ana Bridgewater Pippa El-Kadhi Brown Frédéric Bruly-Bouabré Daniel Brusatin Lee Bul Deborah Butterfield


John Cage José Zanine Caldas Rebecca Campbell Anthony Caro Cato Nick Cave Enrique Martinez Celaya Virginia Chihota Dale Chihuly Aisha Christison Hoa Dung Clerget Saskia Colwell George Condo Bruce Conner Caroline Coon Alfred Courmes Daniel Crews-Chubb


Chico da Silva Dai Junpeng Martin Daiber Hubert Dalwood Siân Davey Colin Davidson Noah Davis Vincenzo De Cotiis Paulus de Groot Edmund de Waal Richard Deacon Philippe Decrauzat Mauro Dell’Orco Verena Dengler Mathilde Denize Andriu Deplazes Hervé di Rosa Mark di Suvero Richard Diebenkorn John Dilg Francesca DiMattio John Divola Heitor dos Prazeres Helen Downie Nick Doyle Rike Droescher Marcel Duchamp Charlie Duck Jimmie Durham


June Edmonds Lee Edwards Parinaz Eleish Gharagozlou Olafur Eliasson Theodore Ereira-Guyer Jaider Esbell


Matias Faldbakken Rotimi Fani-Kayode Hélène Fauquet Lorser Feitelson Amy Feldman Lilly Fenichel Urs Fischer Günther Förg Gajin Fujita


Charles Garabedian Carlos Garaicoa Claudia Martínez Garay Alice Gavalet Lenz Geerk General Idea Isa Genzken Gerard & Kelly Woo Jung Ghil Katherine Gili Roger-Edgar Gillet Harriet Gillett Liam Gillick Valérian Goalec Ana González Sophie Goodchild Joe Goode Catherine Goodman Ron Gorchov Richard Gorman Laurent Grasso Alan Green Isabel Greenberg Matthias Groebel Juanita Guccione


Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttir Lauren Halsey Frederick Hammersley David Hammons Ellie Hayward Erik Madigan Heck Angélique Heidler Thilo Heinzmann Karoliina Hellberg Aly Helyer Barkley L. Hendricks Camille Henrot Alicia Henry Marc Henry George Herms Albano Hernández Carmen Herrera Pati Hill Debora Hirsch David Hockney Jim Hodges Jonas Höschl Chia Huang John Hubbard Peter Hujar


Yulia Iosilzon Hideyuki Ishibashi Alex Israel Sara Issakharian


Carlos Jacanamijoy Ben Jackel Marta Jakobovits Dora Jeridi Sui Jianguo Susanne Johansson Peter Joseph Donald Judd Nathalie Junod Ponsard


Jack Kabangu Emily Kame Kngwarreye (Emily Kam Kngwarray) Susan Kare Zeynep Kayan Max Theo Kehl Mike Kelley Ellsworth Kelly Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Acaye Kerunen Fiza Khatri Rachel Khedoori Gabriel Kidd Edward & Nancy Kienholz Christina Kimeze Per Kirkeby Jakob Lena Knebl Katerina Knight Koak Lucia Koch Michal Korman Leon Kossoff Joseph Kosuth Hans Kotter Jannis Kounellis Klara Kristalova Abraham Kritzman


Joy Labinjo Ronnie Landfield Michael Landy An-My Lê Lee Bae Wilhelm Lehmbruck Eugène Leroy Chris Levine Sol LeWitt Linder Richard Long Luca Longhi Yolanda López Amadeo Luciano Lorenzato Catherine Lowe Hannah Lupton Reinhard Sammi Lynch


Nathan Mabry Ranny Macdonald Oswaldo Maciá Dr. Esther Mahlangu Janet Mait Anina Major Natascha Maksimovic Robert Mangold Teresa Margolles Marie Laurencin Osvaldo Mariscotti Marshmallow Laser Feast Fabian Marti Chris Martin Agnes Martin Heather Gwen Martin Jason Martin Patrick Martinez Misheck Masamvu Thom Mayne Anthony McCall Hugo McCloud John McCracken Kenrick McFarlane John McLaughlin Michael C. McMillen Bettina Mechtersheimer Bjarne Melgaard Maggie Michael Boris Mikhailov Bennett Miller Johnny Miller Jean Miotte Tatsuo Miyajima Henry Moore Margaret Morgan Dennis Morris Morwenna Morrison Ed Moses Ulrike Müller Ruben Müller Lavar Munroe Takashi Murakami Conor Murgatroyd Gülşah Mursaloğlu


Na Kim Rei Naito Elnara Nasirli Kohei Nawa Alice Neel Ruby Neri Tia-Thuy Nguyen Lucia Nogueira Prune Nourry Décio Noviello


Albert Oehlen Yair Oelbaum Wura-Natasha Ogunji OK-RM Paulina Olowska Elena Njoabuzia Onwochei-Garcia Julian Opie Ornaghi & Prestinari Alfonso Ossorio Jack O’Brien Gwen O’Neil


Eun-Ha Paek Pekka Paikkari Sojourner Truth Parsons Hilary Pecis Hanne Peeraer Dawit L. Petros Benjamin Phillips Pi Kai Francis Picabia Antonio Pichillá Quiacaín Michelangelo Pistoletto Paola Pivi Serge Poliakoff Ken Price Jean Prouvé Laure Prouvost Carol Prusa Celia Pym


Ben Quilty


Liesl Raff Bianca Raffaella Li Ran Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) Priscilla Rattazzi Recycle Group Norman Reedus Winold Reiss Gerhard Richter Leo Robinson Abel Rodríguez François Rouan George Rouy Sandra Mendelsohn Rubin Sterling Ruby Thomas Ruff


Alison Saar Betye Saar Sara Sadik Fred Sandback Sigrid Sandström Angela Santana Eduardo Sarabia Citra Sasmita Jacolby Satterwhite Egon Schiele Hubert Schmalix Valeria Schneider Thomas Schütte Rebecca Scott Ivan Seal Deborah Segun Paul Mpagi Sepuya Andres Serrano Setsuko Wael Shawky Silät Raphaela Simon Michael Simpson Richard Smith Shinique Smith Keith Sonnier Choi Soowhan Edra Soto Josh Sperling Tobias Spichtig Frank Stella Ian Stephenson Christine Streuli Katy Stubbs Don Suggs Philip Sutton Matilda Sutton


Chico Tabibuia Michael Takeo Magruder teamLab Mickalene Thomas Nye Thompson Wolfgang Tillmans Francine Tint Deborah Turbeville Nicola Turner James Turrell Cy Twombly Nicola Tyson


Uman Juan Uslé


Manolo Valdés Rubem Valentim Rinus Van de Velde Fernando Varela Pieter Vermeersch Sophie von Hellermann


Andy Warhol Jordan Watson Gillian Wearing Matt Wedel Ai Weiwei Marjorie Welish James Welling Tom Wesselmann La Monte Westmoreland Georg Wilson Frank Wimberley Carmen Winant René Wirths Martin Wong Jake Wood-Evans Wu Chi-Tsung Tom Wudl


Liu Xiaodong Xie Lei Shen Xin


Zinong Zhang Toby Ziegler Larry Zox Nina Zurier Yves Zurstrassen

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