Open: Wed-Sun 12-6pm

117-119 South Lambeth Road, SW8 1XA, London, United Kingdom
Open: Wed-Sun 12-6pm


Fri 24 Nov 2023 to Sat 13 Jan 2024

117-119 South Lambeth Road, SW8 1XA The Reactor

Wed-Sun 12-6pm

Artists: Nick Blackburn - Beatrice Lettice Boyle - Racheal Crowther - Georges Binda Celeste Alexandrino Ferreira Da Silva - Patrick H Jones - Amanda Moström

Opening reception: Thursday 23 November, 6.30pm-9pm
Fundraising event: Thursday 14 December, 6.30pm-9pm

“Here's where I am, I guess, on this strange journey of grief, unsure of myself, in the mood for strong forces.” – Nick Blackburn, The Reactor

The Sunday Painter presents The Reactor, a group show spanning painting, installation, text and sculpture that explores the profound and often unspoken impact of grief. A fundraising initiative in support of two London-based mental health charities will run alongside the exhibition. Co-curated by artists Patrick H Jones and Beatrice Lettice Boyle, The Reactor presents their own work alongside works by Nick Blackburn, Amanda Moström, Rachael Crowther, and Georges Binda Celeste Alexandrino Ferreira Da Silva. While none of the work in the show explicitly addresses loss, it exists in the subtle aftermath, quietly acknowledging its enigmatic complexities and the artists’ shared experience.


Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil on hessian

25 × 30 cm

Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil on hessian

25 × 30 cm

Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil on hessian

25 × 30 cm

Georges Binda Celeste Alexandrino Ferreira Da Silva

Mixed media

Racheal Crowther

Digital scan on fine art archival paper

129 × 177 cm

Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil and pastel on flax

25 × 30 cm

Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil and pastel on flax

25 × 30 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Patrick H. Jones

Acrylic, ink and mixed media on paper

10 × 13 cm

Beatrice Lettice Boyle

Oil and pastel on flax

25 × 30 cm

Amanda Moström

Bottles, water, zip ties, silver-plated bronze

30 × 35 × 32 cm

Amanda Moström

Bottles, water, zip ties, silver-plated bronze

30 × 35 × 32 cm

Amanda Moström

Bottles, water, zip ties, silver-plated bronze

30 × 35 × 32 cm

Amanda Moström

Bottles, water, zip ties, silver-plated bronze

30 × 35 × 32 cm

Amanda Moström

Dates, alpaca fleece, mixed media

Installation Views

The genesis of The Reactor finds its roots in nearly two years of conversations between Patrick and Beatrice. These unfiltered discussions unfolded in the wake of sudden and unexpected losses of parents and friends, initially serving as a means for the artists to openly discuss their grief without reservation. At the outset, neither of them envisioned these conversations as integral to their practices – let alone as the foundation for an exhibition. However, it soon became apparent to both that their work, though not explicitly about grief, bore the indelible and unmistakable marks of its influence. The exhibition’s title references Nick Blackburn’s book of the same name, which delves into the subject of grief and likens its invisible, subtle workings to the elusive nature of radiation. Just as radiation operates beneath the surface, grief often unfolds in quiet and deeply personal ways. After Beatrice attended a reading at Donlon Books where she was introduced to his writing, it became clear that the immediate and fragmentary nature of Nick’s prose resonated deeply with the conversations that Patrick and Beatrice had been sharing over the years. These discussions were, at times, perplexing and challenging to articulate, yet they carried within them a distinct clarity. The Reactor thus materialised as an embodiment of the inescapable presence of grief within the human experience, inviting viewers to explore its intricate dimensions through a multitude of perspectives.

In tandem with the exhibition, a concurrent fundraising effort seeks to offer vital assistance to two London based charities, The Listening Place and Camden Psychotherapy Unit. These invaluable organisations extend confidential, in-person mental health support to those in need. To generate funds for this initiative, artists are being invited to donate artworks, with the entirety of the proceeds benefiting both charities. The works will be for sale throughout the duration of the show. On the evening of December 14, a gallery event will convene representatives from both charities and the exhibition’s contributing artists, including writer Nick Blackburn, for discussions surrounding the initiative.

Courtesy of the artists and The Sunday Painter, London

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