Chater House, 8 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Open: Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, Sun 11am-6pm
Chater House, 8 Connaught Road Central, Central, Contemporary Showcase: My Life Is Pointless by Joan Cornellà
Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, Sun 11am-6pm
Artist: Joan Cornellà
Book an appointment
My Life Is Pointless is Catalan artist Cornellà’s third solo exhibition in Hong Kong and marks his return to the city after three years, showcasing for the first time the artist’s latest work of life-sized panels, shaped panel paintings and bronze sculptures, as well as a selection of limited print works.
With nearly 8 million followers on social media, Cornellà is highly-regarded on the international stage and his works have been exhibited from Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing to London, Paris and New York. With a simplistic visual language and cheerful palette, Cornellà uses satire to comment on the bleak side of human nature, creating works that are honest, entertaining and stimulating. In 2020, the artist’s wellestablished style has evolved with the combination of text and imagery, as he continues to explore the possibilities of universal resonance with humor.
Monday to Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday 11am – 5pm
加泰羅尼亞藝術家霍安·科內拉闊別香港三年之後再度回歸,第三次在香 港舉行個展,展售會名為「生即是空」,呈獻多件首次亮相的新作品,包 括真人尺寸的板面畫、多形板面畫、銅雕作品及限量版畫。
科內拉在社交媒體上擁有近800萬追隨者,在國際間享負盛名,作品曾在 香港、東京、首爾、北京、倫敦、巴黎及紐約展出。科內拉憑藉簡單的視 覺語言和令人愉悅的色調, 以諷刺手法評論人性陰暗面,其作品直白鋒 利、同時富娛樂性,引人浮想聯翩。科內拉的藝術風格鮮明,並在2020年 開始融匯文字與圖像,繼續以幽默方式探索普世共鳴的可能性。